Andrija KapetanovićAndrija Kapetanović
Andrija Kapetanović (dark mode)Andrija Kapetanović (dark mode)

About me

I'm a front-end developer and translator from Zadar, Croatia, who specializes in building web applications in React, and its framework Next.js. As of June 2022, I'm working at Crafted, a digital studio in Indianapolis, US.

In 2019, I attained my master's degree in English and German language at the University of Zadar. From June 2017 to January 2022 I worked at the university's international relations office where I took the first steps in web development through simple content managing via CMS. With the background in international relations, I am skilled in communication with a high level of intercultural competence.

In July 2021, I decided to change my career, and become a front-end developer. Nine months in the journey, I've created this website. You can read more about it in my first blog post.

Front-end toolbox

These are the tools that I use in my day-to-day work.

Back-end toolbox
